A cold day at Reculver Towers

A cold day at Reculver Towers

A few pics from a windy walk along the beach at Reculver where I shot images of the Reculver Tower, assorted groins and sea defences.

Snow and trees

Snow and trees

I headed out into the early morning light to shoot some local trees against the backdrop of a flat grey sky

Seven Pics for Seven Sisters

Seven Pics for Seven Sisters

I took a trip down to Seaford near Eastbourne to shoot the morning light on the seven sisters. It was cold but well worth the drive.

return to Brighton’s Old West Pier

return to Brighton’s Old West Pier

Well, I said I’d be back, and this weekend the weather conditions looked favourable, so we set off for a sunny but chilly Brighton, arriving a couple of hours before sunset – not a starling in sight! We toyed with the idea of heading for the Palace Pier...
the last golden leaves of autumn

the last golden leaves of autumn

This year’s autumn has been quite a spectacularly colourful one and I have managed to capture some lovely autumnal images but I felt that I had time to get out and grab a few more in our local woods. It was a beautiful sunny day and the sunlight was really...

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