Tamar Bridge sunset

Tamar Bridge sunset

A beer and a few photographs seemed to be a pleasant idea to end an exhausting day, so we headed down to Saltash to grab a few shots of the bridges over the Tamar.

on black tor

on black tor

We set off from Meldon Reservoir to walk to Black Tor on Dartmoor and return via Yes Tor

sunset at Brentor Church

sunset at Brentor Church

We spent a couple of hours taking photos and chatting with other photographers on Brent Tor.

Back to Bodiam Castle

Back to Bodiam Castle

on a pleasant summer’s evening, I set off to Bodiam Castle armed with a wide-angle lens, a pair of shorts and no bug repellant. Life is full of regrets!

Sunset at Whitstable

Sunset at Whitstable

We had a nice evening walk along the seafront at Whitstable and went in search of sunset views

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