Old Welsh Things

Old Welsh Things

Trundling around the Brecon area reveals lots of old ruins and broken wrecks of once magnificent places, all begging to have their photographs taken. Here are a few that we came across…
Brecon waterfalls

Brecon waterfalls

A week in Brecon is nowhere near enough time to explore the many and varied waterfalls in the region. If Wales, and Brecon in particular, has one thing to offer, it would be rain, and the rugged landscape combined with this plentiful source of water offers up a great...
London in February

London in February

Today I found myself wandering around London with a half hour to spare and a bag full of camera, so I decided to combine the two and popped in to Borough Market near London Bridge, a great place to take pictures as was evident when you started to notice all of the...
Australia – Landscapes

Australia – Landscapes

Usually I try and keep the number of pics in these blogs to a minimum but The parts of Queensland we visited were so beautiful – the pics just kept coming!

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