The Fallow Deer of Belton House in Autumn

The Fallow Deer of Belton House in Autumn

We spent a morning wandering around Belton House near Grantham with the in-laws, soaking up the last of the autumn sunshine whilst admiring the beautiful colours of the foliage and of course, taking pics of some of the more photogenic members of the 300 strong herd of...
A little Autumn colour

A little Autumn colour

This October has seen lots of lovely weather, warm days and plenty of sunshine. On Friday the sun was out in full and we enjoyed a walk around the grounds of Sissinghurst Castle and then on Sunday there was a very seasonal mist hanging over Angley woods for the best...
off we go to Richmond Park to see the Deer rutt

off we go to Richmond Park to see the Deer rutt

We set off at 05:30 to get to Richmond Park in London, before sunrise, the sky was clear, there was a light mist laying across the park and we could hear the deer bellowing in the trees. I was armed with my biggest lens and a grin to match as we set off into the...
Dungeness revisited

Dungeness revisited

The sun was beating down so we set of for a walk around Dungeness, well to be honest we fancied a meal at the Fish Shack – I had a mackerel and chorizo flatbread which was awesome. The sun was so bright that I was unable to open the lens right up for most of...
An afternoon by the sea

An afternoon by the sea

We spent a couple of days in Falmouth and made sure that we took some time to enjoy the perfect sunshine and sea, we took a walk around the town, went for a boat trip around the harbour and estuary and then watched the sun set whilst sitting on Gylly Beach

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