sunset at Botany Bay in Broadstairs, Kent

It was Friday night and I hadn’t been able to get out to see a decent vista for a while, sunset making cloud cover looked promising, so we set off towards North Kent in search of a sunset.
The closer I got to Broadstairs, the more apparent it became that the high cloud present over my home was nowhere to be found at the coast but it was a beautiful evening and we parked at Botany Bay and headed towards the rock stacks to see what the view was like.
As the sun sank to the horizon, the sky behind the stack took on a beautiful purple while the softly lit cliff face seemed to glow. I took a few shots of the colours reflected in the wet sand and then headed back up the cliffs to get some pics at a higher vantage point once the sun had dipped out of view. the colours continued until nearly 10 pm when we had a quick half and set off home once again

sunset at Botany Bay in Broadstairs, Kent
sunset at Botany Bay in Broadstairs, Kent
sunset at Botany Bay in Broadstairs, Kent