Dawn at Flamborough Head rock arch

The one shot that I wanted to get on our trip to Yorkshire this November, was the sun rising behind the rock arch at Flamborough. The only problem was that I was only here for three potential dawns, and being November, the chances of a clear start – let alone a pretty sun rise were not good.

It looked like my luck was in. The recent bout of good weather looked likely to continue so I got up early, leaving the Mrs in a warm hotel bed and drove the one and a half hours to Flamborough to arrive about 40 minutes before dawn. I parked up and trudged down to the rock arch only to realise that although everything had gone to plan, the weather was great, I was on time, I had all of my gear. The tide was out!

Dawn at Flamborough Head rock arch

Unfortunately that sort of thing can’t be helped when you are only in a place for a short period of time, but hopefully when I return in January, the stars will align once again – and the tide will be in – we’ll see.