The Priory Church ruins at Bolton Abbey

It had been a long and tiring few days – not to mention the fact that I had got up at silly o’clock to get to Falmborough by dawn, but as usual, we had walked our little socks off!

We got to Bolton Abbey a little too late to explore, so headed straight for the coffee shop – to refuel and wake up – and then directly to the church ruins for sunset.

The sky was pretty much clear of clouds – so no epic light was on the cards. I spent most of my time wandering around the far banks of the river, watching people cross the stepping stones and one poor man fail dismally at the attempt!

There’s plenty more to see at Bolton Abbey so next time, we’ll spend considerably longer, but for now, I had to make do with a flying visit – and some nice pics to remember it by.

The Priory Church ruins at Bolton Abbey
The Priory Church ruins at Bolton Abbey