I’d noticed a few images of this lonely little church on Instagram and other social media platforms and was surprised to discover that it was only a short distance from me, so on a whim, I decided to drive to fairfield to check it out

St Thomas à Becket Church sits all alone amongst the marshy drainage ditches at Fairfield and I was rather taken with it.

I spent an hour or so wandering around exploring angles and chatting to a couple of other local photographers who were also there and got some cool shots even though it was a totally clear sky with quite harsh sunlight.

When I got home, I checked out the weather forecast for the evening and decided to head back down to Fairfield to see if I could get some night shots. 

There was a little low lying mist around but the sky was perfectly clear and with a little help from my ever-willing wife and a torch, I did a little light-painting to entertain the sheep who seemed a little confused by my nighttime antics but I was certainly pleased with the shots.