I’d never visited Kew Gardens before so we decided to make a day of it and have an explore. Kew Gardens is, however, quite large and at the speed that I meander around with my camera, it proved to be difficult to do it full justice in just one day, I feel that a return journey will be on the cards at some point.

The most impressive structure for me was the palm house, a little grubby perhaps but let’s face it, that’s a lot of windows to try and keep clean! It was only slightly let down by the large orange ‘thing’ plopped directly in front of it. Personally, for me, I’d be a lot happier looking at the building or the landscaping and plants but a lot of people thought that the assorted sculptures were a beautiful addition and they are probably right but this is my post, so I’ll stick to ‘thing’.

We were lucky to have visited just shortly after the completion of renovations to the Temperate House which, although not as striking a structure as the Palm House, was still a beautiful and fascinating place (if you can see past the bright blue ‘things’ stuck in the middle of it (here I go again, sorry!)

It seems that there were quite a few areas that we didn’t make it to but we did find the time to stop by the Great Pagoda which looked splendid rising above the trees.

Maybe an autumn visit would be a good idea, I can only imagine that Kew would be splendid on full colour