I while back I’d watched a BVS video on youtube where he’d visited a viewpoint to photograph Aylesford village on the Medway. As this was only a little over a half hour from me, I thought I’d give its bash too.

I set my alarm for very early o’clock and checked out the local weather and took a sleepy look out of the window. Everything looked clear so I grabbed my camera and set off towards Maidstone. I arrived at Aylesford and parked-up then walked the 100m trek to the bridge on the main road and set up my tripod.

It was still dark and I was getting some odd looks as the lorries rumbled past but as the sky began to lighten I could see the potential for the image. The blue hour came and went and the sky remained pretty clear but just as the sun was about to rise, a small bank of clouds rolled into the scene and set up in the perfect spot to catch the morning light.

I clicked away happily for a few more minutes and then packed up my camera and headed back home for breakfast. What difference half-hour made to my picture!