On a quick trip down to Devon to visit family I wanted to grab a shot or two so headed out onto the moors to revisit an old favourite or two and discover something new too.

Brentor church was somewhere that I had wanted to visit again to shoot as it is a beautiful place. On this visit, I wasn’t so lucky with the weather. We had heavy skies, in fact, it started to rain quite heavily while I had the drone up taking this shot but the light proved to be quite nice once I processed the image.

Foggintor Quarry was somewhere that I had only read about so on another gloomy afternoon we headed out on to the moors to explore. It’s a great place with lots of nooks and crannies (like everywhere on Dartmoor). I set up for my composition and waited for the light, and just as the sun was about to set, it decided to show itself for literally a few seconds and I was able to grab a shot. Within moments, the light was gone and it started to get dark rather quickly so I headed back to the car.

Many years ago I remember doing a long circular walk on Dartmoor that had passed Windy Post so we decided to try a shot there. It’s a well-photographed area but the heavy clouds and contrasty light made for fun, if not particularly original shot. I’m certainly pleased it’s made it on to my shot library though.