London train graffiti

We head off to the big city and I took a few images as we made our way to our destination at the Dominion Theatre near Centrepoint. However, after a fun night out, we had a few minutes to burn before our train home arrived. (well, we didn’t really. I had my camera and wanted to grab a couple of images and the long-suffering Mrs Me wanted to get back home as it was quite late – but I won that conversation!) So we trotted off to Embankment and took a late night stroll across Hungerford bridge with plenty of post-pub revellers to keep us amused.

I didn’t have my tripod with me so it was a case of leaning on railings and walls to steady my shots whilst taking long enough exposures at a high enough ISO to achieve the images I wanted – bridges move a fair bit when a train goes over them. Luckily the surrounding area of London is nicely lit – even the cranes on top of buildings were wearing red lights -as was the London Eye.

We just about made it back for our next train in time and headed off home – A good night out and some pics too – nice!

the best coffee
london eye by night
bridge at night