My first trip to the British Wildlife Centre

My first trip to the British Wildlife Centre

Today we headed off to deepest darkest Surrey to visit The British Wildlife Centre – lots of wildlife, all of it British. Had a great time getting up close to lots of wonderful wildlife that you only see fleeting glimpses of in the real world – and...
Oh deer

Oh deer

well it was another lovely day so we headed off to Knole in Sevenoaks to see the deer. They were a bit skittish and shy at first but eventually we found some that would let us get close enough to take some nice pics… We encountered one rather old and wise...
Off to Port Lympne for a day

Off to Port Lympne for a day

I decided to skive off of work today and head down to Hythe once again, this time to visit Port Lympne Reserve with the girls. It was a very chilled day without the usual zoo crowds as all the children were at school and the adults were all at work (ha ha). The...
Someone’s lost their head in The Crypt at St Leonards Church

Someone’s lost their head in The Crypt at St Leonards Church

Today we visited the Crypt underneath St Leonards Church in Hythe where the bones from around 4,000 bodies are stacked and displayed on shelves. Possibly one of the strangest things I’ve seen in a church but definitely one of the coolest As well as the skulls...
Dungeness revisited

Dungeness revisited

The sun was beating down so we set of for a walk around Dungeness, well to be honest we fancied a meal at the Fish Shack – I had a mackerel and chorizo flatbread which was awesome. The sun was so bright that I was unable to open the lens right up for most of...
Jam at the Farm 2016

Jam at the Farm 2016

Over the weekend we went off to Ashford where Jam at The Farm was being held at Martin Sims Guitar Workshop – a whole afternoon of local bands playing in order to raise funds for the Nordoff Robbins charity. There were loads of other people taking pics –...

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