Bedruthen Steps

Bedruthen Steps

Tonight at Bedruthen Steps, there were no clouds on the horizon and the beautiful light became a nice little sunset, with great colours right through blue hour.



We set off in the rain toward Hartland Point in North Devon to shoot some of the iconic landscapes in the area

Tamar Bridge sunset

Tamar Bridge sunset

A beer and a few photographs seemed to be a pleasant idea to end an exhausting day, so we headed down to Saltash to grab a few shots of the bridges over the Tamar.

on black tor

on black tor

We set off from Meldon Reservoir to walk to Black Tor on Dartmoor and return via Yes Tor

sunset at Brentor Church

sunset at Brentor Church

We spent a couple of hours taking photos and chatting with other photographers on Brent Tor.

fun with Harley

fun with Harley

I headed out on to the Moors to take a few pics of Colin’s Harley Davidson using Dartmoor as a background

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