so Sissinghurst is open then
As part of Becky's birthday celebrations, we set of to Sissinghurst Castle on its first day of being open this year. The sun threatened to come out and it was full of people but it was a fun morning
Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain (well some of it)
So the weather forecast was good and I was feeling like I had been stuck indoors for ever - so we trundled off to Leeds for a walk and a look at the castle - which although we've lived fairly close to, we've never actually visited. The coffee was a disaster but the...
Just another one of those days I suppose
The foul grey skies continue, there's no chance of me getting to the coast where the weather is at its most impressive and the local flooding just looks like large puddles. Life just plods on with no consideration for the wannabe photo blogger. So, the poor old car...
Somewhere over the rainbow
So the weather has been consistently dull and uninspiring and every spare minute has been taken up with decorating the house - a long and seemingly endless task. However, I looked up from my paint-roller today to see the sun beaming into the back of the house, the...
sun and seagulls
So, Saturday was another dreary wash-out weather wise, I awoke on Sunday morning knowing full well that if I looked out of the window, it would be another 100 percent cloud-cover stylee day - but I was wrong! the sun was shining!! I went to the seaside - STAT!!! We...
just getting plastered
Well not much has been happening on the photography front for a while now, this has been down to: a terrible bout of man-flu; the fact that I have been stuck indoors either preparing for, or making tea for, our plasterers; and the weather being crap. In good faith and...
going home
So today was the day that Harriet travelled back to uni in Cornwall after the Christmas break. We took her to the train station to wave goodbye and wish her a safe (eight hour) journey. It has always been, and always will be, a tough thing for Becky to have to do so I...
Then the sun came out…
So after a few days of dark horrible weather and too much food (some would argue that there's no change there!), the sun decided to come out and play for a day. After being stuck in a car or stuck indoors over the festive season, we grabbed at the chance to get...