A sunny day dawns
after a few dreary days, a sunny one appeared on the forecast so I thought it would be an idea to get into the forest at dawn to catch the light. It was a bit gloomy to start with as the sun made its way up behind the trees The sky was beautifully blue but streaked...
Bloodstone Blue
Popped out to Wye to go and see Rosie and Dave's Bloodstone Blue The most interesting aspect of the evening - from a photographic aspect - was the fact that there were two other photographers at the gig taking shots of the band and the results really showed how three...
Rye Fireworks
We all trundled off to Rye so I took the opportunity to snap a few shots off, the conditions were better than they were last year and I think I got some nice shots - there's still plenty of room for improvement but I feel that I am starting to get some atmosphere into...
London by night
We went to London to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition at the Natural History Museum and on the way back I snapped a few shots of London in the evening. This camera does seem to work well at night!
Cornwall in October
Our autumn holiday in October this year started out with a couple of surf free days courtesy of the strong winds and pretty large waves I took Becky up to the headland to watch the waves crashing over the rocks at sunset. We got covered in spray (and so did my camera...
Whilst out for lunch in Royal Williams Yard in Plymouth, I came across some interesting old derelicts. They will soon be converted into harbour-front apartments but for the moment they make cool and interesting subjects. It was getting pretty dark and I din't have a...
Depth of Field
While taking some shots for my sister and her partner, I thought I'd experiment with some really tight depth of field - and I am quite pleased with the results
Close call
I took a few shots during a fairly good lightning storm over Cranbrook but unfortunately I hadn't taken the time to properly investigate some of the features on my new camera. By the time I had thing srunning smoothly the best I could come up with was not too...
The White Cliffs of Dover
The weather forecast for the southeast promised a fine October day - and it certainly delivered. We took a trip down to Dover without really knowing what to expect. Although there were plenty of other tourists around, The White Cliffs certainly lived up to their...
London in September
took a couple of trips up to London so felt that I had to take a few snaps. It would have been nice to have had a little more time to work on some shots but something is better than nothing I suppose
Got to get out
What with work starting to get busy (not complaining) we only found time for a quick walk around Bedgebury forest but I was pleased to find that there were still some fun photos to be found. The mushrooms are starting to appear too...
We decided to go for a walk and try and get a few shots at Dungeness as I hadn't been there and had heard nothing but good things about the many and varied photo opportunities that were offered by the UK's only official desert. On the way there we had to stop at the...